Demo used for 8B-spring/Bill Golightly/2025

Provides the Demo List.
UCB IndexTitlesort ascendingDate
E+60+17 Water fiber optic2025-04-01
D+0+12 Visual charge/discharge of a capacitor through a load.2025-02-25
D+10+20 Van de Graaff generator.2025-01-21
D+30+24 Vacuum tube with screen shows cathode rays bent with a magnet.2025-02-25
D+30+24 Vacuum tube with screen shows cathode rays bent with a magnet.2025-03-04
E+60+5 Total internal reflection/critical angle: Nakamura water tank.2025-04-01
D+30+22 Torque on coil suspended between two magnets.2025-03-04
D+0+8 Series capacitor array.2025-02-13
D+55+18 Resistor analog: Marbles cascading down pin board.2025-02-18
D+55+6 Resistance thermometer: Iron coil in liquid Nitrogen and flame varies current.2025-02-18
D+55+0 Resistance boards: Series, parallel, Wheatstone bridge.2025-02-20
E+60+10 Rainbow: Refraction of white light by a liquid sphere.2025-04-01
D+5+32 Plexiglas model of electromagnetic wave.2025-03-20
D+0+10 Parallel capacitors array: A charged capacitor charges the others.2025-02-11
D+0+10 Parallel capacitors array: A charged capacitor charges the others.2025-02-13
D+30+14 Magnetic field around a solenoid with pivoting probe magnet.2025-03-11
D+35+12 Linear motor: An iron core jumps into a solenoid.2025-03-13
E+60+15 Light pipes and fiber optic flashlight.2025-04-01
D+15+24 Levitator: Aluminum dish floats four inches off platform.2025-03-18
D+15+20 Jumping rings: High current AC coil causes rings to jump.2025-03-18
D+30+10 Iron filings around a high current vertical wire on OHP to show field.2025-03-04
D+30+6 Iron filings and permanent magnets to show field on an OHP.2025-02-25
D+30+6 Iron filings and permanent magnets to show field on an OHP.2025-03-04
D+30+28 Hall effect: Magnetic field induces a voltage in a neon plasma.2025-03-04
D+30+18 Force on a current carrying wire in a magnetic field.2025-03-04
D+0+28 Energy storage in a commercial capacitor. Loud bang!2025-02-13
D+15+2 Elementary generator: Bar moved in magnetic field.2025-03-18
D+10+24 Electrostatic pinwheel:Van de Graaff makes pinwheel spin.2025-01-21
D+30+4 Earth model with internal magnet and pivoting probe magnet.2025-02-25
D+30+26 E/M tube: Circular bending of an electron beam in a magnetic field.2025-03-04
D+10+12 Charge resides on the outside of a conductor.2025-01-30
D+10+12 Charge resides on the outside of a conductor.2025-02-04
D+0+6 Capacitor doorbell driven by Van de Graaff generator.2025-01-21
D+10+8 Braun and Leaf electroscopes.2025-01-21
D+15+0 Bar magnet induces current in a coil, shown on galvanometer.2025-03-13
D+15+0 Bar magnet induces current in a coil, shown on galvanometer.2025-03-19
D+15+0 Bar magnet induces current in a coil, shown on galvanometer.2025-03-20
D+15+12 Back EMF in a series DC motor with large flywheel.2025-03-20
D+10+6 Attraction and repulsion of charged styrofoam balls.2025-01-21
D+30+16 Ampere's law: Currents in parallel wires attract or repel.2025-03-11
D+15+8 Alternator: Coil with AC commutator rotates between magnets.2025-03-18
Provides the Special Request Demo List.
UCB IndexTitlesort ascendingDate
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